ANCEL PB100 Automotive Circuit Tester Power Circuit Probe Kit
The Ancel Automotive Circuit Tester is a highly efficient tool for reducing diagnostic time in 6—to 30-volt vehicle electrical systems. Once connected to the battery, it can be easily used for tasks.
– Determine circuit polarity (positive, negative, or open) without reconnecting clips from one battery pole to another.
– Test for continuity with its auxiliary ground lead.
– Conduct a positive or negative battery current to the probe tip by depressing the power switch to test the function of an electrical component without using jumper wires.
– Identify poor ground contacts instantly without performing voltage drop tests.
– Follow and locate short circuits without wasting fuses.
The tool’s long cable allows you to test the entire length of the vehicle without constantly searching for suitable vehicle grounds. It is also short-circuit protected, and its internal circuit breaker will trip if it becomes overloaded.
Voltage Readout
The power probe has an LED screen that displays the battery voltage when connected. This feature is useful for various purposes, such as checking the alternator by hooking it up and starting the car. The voltage should increase from approximately 12.6 volts to 14.0 volts. It can also be helpful to identify a power feed with a significant voltage drop, such as when checking fuses.
Circuit Protection
The power probe has an 8-amp circuit breaker that prevents overloading and short circuits. However, it is important to remember that, unlike a standard test light, this tool can send direct battery power down any circuit it touches. Thus, knowing what you are doing when back-feeding an electrical circuit is crucial, as 8 amps are still sufficient to cause significant damage on the wrong wire.
Trailer Wiring
Trailer wiring is a common source of frustration for technicians, especially those who deal with trailers exposed to road salt or saltwater environments. Fortunately, the long 20-ft. leads provided by the power probe allow for easy and direct connection of the vehicle battery and trailer harness connector plug at the vehicle’s rear.
ANCEL PB100 Car Battery Tester Functions:
1. Power injection, measuring, ground testing, polarity checking, continuity testing and component activation.
2. Read the AVO meter, voltage, current, and resistance.
3. Energize the electrical components, such as the cooling fan, relay etc.
4. Activate the components
5. Determine the positive, negative and open circuit.
6. Test the bad ground contacts and follow and locate short circuits without wasting the fuse.
7. Test the continuity of the power switch, relay and diode.
8. Protect the tool from overload.
9. Allow you to work in the dark area by using the built-in headlight.
10. Test the vehicle with the long cable.